Friday, September 2, 2016

Double Pointer (Pointer to Pointer) some input

A double pointer has two basic meanings.
        One is of a pointer to a pointer, where changing the value of double pointer will result in the original pointer being changed.
        Another is that of a two-dimensional array, such as a matrix

Example for Two dimensional array
int main( int argc, char **argv (or) char* argv[] )
// print the first string
printf("%s\n", argv[0]);

return 0;

The other example where the double pointer is a pointer to a pointer, lets say you have a function foo() that allocates memory for a pointer that was declared in function main()

void foo( char ** ptr)
*ptr = malloc(255); // allocate some memory
strcpy( *ptr, "Hello World");

int main()
char *ptr = 0;
// call function with a pointer to pointer
foo( &ptr );
printf("%s\n", ptr);
// free up the memory

return 0;

Creating 2D int array
//Create your pointer
int **ptr;
//Assign first dimension
ptr = new int*[5];
//Assign second dimension
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
ptr[i] = new int[5];
Deleting 2D array
for (int x = 0; x < nCol; ++x)
delete [] ptr[x];
delete [] ptr;

How delete[] knows how many items to be destroyed ??
 When an array is created with new[], the size of array is stored in the metadata at the memory block. delete[] makes use of that information.

New[] operator requires default constructor  , for ex
   student* kar = new student[10](34,"");  // its completely wrong
  student * kar = new student[10];   // Correct

new & delete are based on malloc & free. Malloc additionally allocate a header storing the size allocated, so free() knows the size to free. new[] not only keeps the malloc header, but also has an extra header storing the size of the array/vector, so delete[] knows how many objects are in the array/vector, and thus knows how many times to call the destructor.

Allocation Using
Deallocation using


The vector delete will try to delete more objects depending on the random value it gets from its object-count location and will obviously result in heap corruption.
Compiler will not track the Pointer, Its developer responsibility to call the respective delete operator (ie delete or delete[])
Memory leak
It will delete only first item in the array

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